Gully follows the lives of three disaffected teenagers living in Los Angeles, and highlights the challenges of marginalized youth in America. Other artists featured on the soundtrack include 2 Chainz, Don Toliver, Miguel, Gary Clark, JR., Snoh Aalegra, and more. ( Gully will be available on VOD starting June 8th.) The nine-track album features contributions from 21 Savage, who will release a music video directed by Nabil for his song “Betrayed” on Friday. The film’s soundtrack, out via Epic Records, dropped June 4th, the same day that the film opens in theaters. Produced by 2nd Roof, the song features horn and string sections, and was written by Lipa with Clarence Coffee Jr. Dua Lipa has debuted a new song, “Can They Hear Us.” The atmospheric track comes off the soundtrack to Gully, the feature film debut of music video director Nabil (Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar).